Sunday, February 28, 2010


The anticipated tsunami which was generated by the 8.8M earthquake off the coast of Chile was not big, but it sure did come to Hilo, Hawai'i! While looking at the TV news report of the live podcast of Moku Ola (Coconut Island), the water receded and rushed out and rushed back in, making the bay water look as though it was a gushing river.
The on-lookers were all over the hill tops with binoculars and folding chairs as they looked on to the yonder sea. Thankfully, it caused no damage and as one tsunami specialist commented on TV, it was the best kind of tsunami since it came, people could get a satisfaction at seeing a small but significant visual signs, but it caused no damage! Thank you Mother Nature for showing us the awesomeness of nature's energy and powers, and making us realize how vulnerable we are!

でもテレビで生中継されていたたココナッツ島(モク・オラ) を囲む水位の上昇具合から、やはり自然の力はすごい!の一言です。普段は穏やかなヒロ湾の水が一気に右へ流れ、かと思うと数分後には左へ流れ、まるで川が呼吸をしているかのような不自然な動きに沈黙・・・

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Be-lated But Nevertheless.... Kung Hee Fat Choy!!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Whale Watching Days Are Here!!!

Aloha Kakou!
The Humpback Whales are here in Hawai'i!!!
And they are here in Hilo Bay too!!!!
It's so nice to hear them singing, and slapping their fins, and to see them breaching... So exciting.     
The Hawaiin Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary is conducting an Ocean Count of the whales so I hope to see you all there on Feb. 27 & Mar. 27!
