Monday, November 12, 2007

MOKIF Hula Kahiko Competition Night Photo Album

Aloha Kakou!
Just got back from the 2nd Annual Moku O Keawe International Festival and here are the photos!!!!
It was just awesome, to say the least, and hope you enjoy the visual report although it's not what you could of experienced there, but at least, you get the idea!
I was with Kumu Nalani Kanaka`ole to help her with her `Ohe Kapala class, and I learned so much in that 3 days that I was with her.
More will be updated but for now, here is what happened during the first day of the festival!

A hui hou,


Nalani demonstrates the carving of a design on the `ohe kapala (bamboo print).

One of her hula students had made this beautiful pau skirt with `ohe kapala. Yellow color of the tapa is olena (turmeric) dye. A work of art.

Kumu Keala Ching.

Kumu Hauoli Akaka

Kumu Charles Kaupu

Kumu Nalani Kanaka`ole

Time Judge, the beautiful Michelle...

Exhibition by a Charter School from Kohala

Exhibition by Kei Inoue's Halau from Japan.

Halau Ke `Olu Makani O Mauna Loa

Halau O Ka`ulaokeahi from Tahiti!
The elements changed when they started dancing about Pele's trip to Hawai`i...

Hula Halau `O Leilani

Alani's Hula Halau

Hula Halau O Makanani

Beamer-Solomon Halau O Po`ohala