Friday, September 05, 2008

Kaumakaiwa Kanaka'ole!!!!

Aloha Kakou!
Howzit from Hilo, Big Island!
The weather has been really wonderful... sunny days with turquoise blue ocean and azure sky. Lucky we live in Hilo!
And what better accompaniment would it be to these natural elements of Hawai'i but to listen to the new CD release from Kaumakaiwa Kanaka'ole! This self-titled CD (his third) is out in the stores now since August 26th and guaranteed, you will enjoy it!



I admire his great talent and courage to be able to honor his tradition, and yet be progressive and creative at the same time. And that's what you will hear when you listen to this album.
Here in this photo, he charms the audience with his solo number during his recent visit to Japan with Halau O Kekuhi.


Also to note, is the album's cover art design. His ohana Kuha'o Zane and Kauila Kanaka'ole took charge and presented the artist with this impressive work. I love the photo of Kaumakaiwa on the cover, with the wind from the volcano blowing his bright 'olena (turmeric) yellow fabric away... Dynamic and regal!


Well, I guess my point is clear...
Go get the CD and Enjoy ('cos I did and I am)!!!

Love & Aloha to Kaumakaiwa!
Love & Aloha from Reiko

