Aloha mai e Kakou!
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving... I did!!!
I know, it's already Christmas in 3 weeks (yikes!) but here is a photo documentary report of my special experience "making" imu (Hawaiian style underground oven) turkey, so here it is!
First, over the hole in the ground, a pile of wood and rocks are strategically placed.
Preparation is everything. Ti leaves, banana leaves & stalks, etc. are some vegetation that are used. |
準備が全て!ティーの葉やバナナの葉、それにバナナの茎などが使われます。 |
Getting the fire going so that the rocks retain heat is key to the imu oven. |
火が十分に燃え石が加熱されるまで待ちます。 |
And in the meantime, preparation of the food! Turkey and pork butt (for the kalua pig) are the main oven items. |
待機中は食材の準備。七面鳥と豚肉(カルア・ピッグ用!)などが主品です! |
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And after about an hour, it's ready! 待つこと1時間ほど・・・さあOKです! |
Then, banana stalks, ti leaves are placed over the hot rocks... |
そして熱く熱した石の上にバナナの茎、そしてティーの葉が置かれます・・・ |
Food for 5 families awaits the imu! 5家族分のターキーと食材! |
And they are placed on top... そして食材は上に置かれ・・・ |
Banana leaves and then moistened burlap bags, tarp, and finally sand are layered on top to retain the heat and smoke. |
食材の上には熱を保つ為にバナナの葉、濡れた黄麻布袋、防水シート、そして最後に砂が次々と覆われます |
And you wait for 12 hours!!!! そして12時間待ちます!!! |
Here it is, the next morning after all of the layers are taken off, and the foods are nicely smoked and cooked. |
翌朝です。食べ物も素敵に燻製され出来上がり~! |
Ono-licious Imu Turkey! 美味しいイム・ターキーでした~! |
Mahalo nui loa to the Valente Family for this fabulous and successful experience!
And mahalo nui to the imu... A hui hou 2011!!!
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