Sushi Bar Hime

A new sushi bar in town!
Since our Sig Zane Designs store is in downtown, getting something new here is always exciting!
This tiny joint is on Furneaux Lane (right near Farmer's Market), and they are so new (they were in Maui before) that they don't even have a set restaurant hour, the Japanese sushi chef/owner told me. But they are open for lunch and dinner (Phone # 808-961-6356).
シグ・ゼーン・デザインズから歩いても直近くの距離にできた寿司バー、ヒメ。ファーマーズマーケットの近くの脇道(Furneaux Lane)にあります。新しすぎてお店の営業時間が決まってない、と仰るのはオーナー兼寿司職人さん。で、お昼の時間帯と夕食の時間帯(夜は8時半頃までとか)にオープン、というヒロらしい(!?)ゆる~い感じで営業しているそうです(電話番号→808-961-6356)。

Look for this cute sign with a black cat with a crown that says "HIME" ( Hime means Princess in Japanese). As you may be able to tell, Mr. & Mrs. Owner love cats and they have three black kitties at home...

So if you are in town and get the urge to eat a California Roll, head to Hime's... and if it's at night, BYOB your favorite sake!
A hui hou,
ということでヒロのダウンタウンでお腹がすいたら Sushi Bar Hime トライしてみてくださいね。夜は日本酒持参で行きましょう!