TheCutlery is OPEN!!!

Yes, it's official now, TheCutlery (no space between The and Cutlery!) had it's fanfare opening today.
はい、TheCutlery ザカトラリー、正式に開店いたしました!(因みに英文字の The と Cutlery の間にスペースはなく、ミス・プリントではありませんので悪しからず!)

Kuha`o Zane is the owner and "curator" of this edgiest place in Hilo, and he's got his own brand, Ethnic, in the store as well. In his own words, "TheCutlery will be featuring independent and creative forward labels as well as some locally young yet unique brands"!

What attracted me most was this original new local brand eeseeo which is clothing made out of bamboo material! How cool is that?!
Well, if you are in Hilo town, make sure to stop by tonight for a bit of celebration at the store at 6pm!
A hui hou,
中でも一番気に入ったのは新しいブランドの eeseeo で、こちらの洋服は竹を使用した素材から作られているということです!面白いでしょ?!