The Cat in the Hat!

Sig Zane has gotten together with Kicks/Hi, the premier shoe boutique on Oahu and NewEra, the maker of the original fitted cap to bring you, The SigZane+Kicks/Hi+NewEra!
This hat features the Uluwehi Keaukaha print that illustrates a breadfruit tree that grows in Keaukaha on the east side of the Big Island. Focusing on the aesthetics of the Ulu leaf and fruit, this Uluwehi Keaukaha print has made itself a mainstay and staple of Sig Zane's numerous designs.
This limited run will be available on Saturday at Kicks/Hi Oahu, Sig Zane Designs' Hilo and Maui Loacations as well as TheCutlery in Downtown Hilo. Once again, the hat will be released this Saturday January 20th 2007.

オアフ島にある若者に人気のスニーカー等を主に扱っているブティック、Kicks/Hi、とキャップメーカーとして有名なNew Eraとのコラボ作品であるベースボールキャップが誕生いたしました!
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