Hau`oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year 2008!!

Wishing all of you readers a wonderful start of the New Year 2008, and hope you were able to start it with a nice BLAST!

Man, the amount of people there who wore white in the stands (white was Hawaii's away uniform color so all the Hawaii contingency wore white) was amazing! It's said that there were about 17,000 people who went from Hawaii to New Orleans to see this game. Awesome amount of people were supporting them both from home and at the game. Although Hawaii did end up losing the game (10-41), at least they all made it to that point and made history by being there.
Warriors, congratulations for your fighting spirit!

その理由は上のTシャツの写真をご覧頂くとお分かりのように、ハワイ大学のフットボールチームが史上初、この由緒ある大会に参加することになったからなのです!開催場所はニューオーリンズ、相手は手強いジョージア大学。この試合を見るためにハワイからおよそ1万7千人もの人口が移動した、といわれているほど。本土移住組も相当観戦に行ったそうですからその経済効果はいかに!結果的には10-41というスコアでハワイ大学は大敗してしまったのですが、お正月のこの日のハワイ時間の午後3時半から始まる試合を見る為にほとんどの人がテレビ観戦をしていたはず…(私も漏れなくその一人でした!)Go Warriors!
A hui hou and with lots of ALOHA,
I thought I saw you all outside the shop at New Year, a lot of celebrating has gone on since then so I am unsure it was actually New Year. I really should have gone over and said hello.
Best wishes for 2008 !
Hope your New Year 2008 is going well so far, and Best Wishes to you too!
In about a month or so, on Feb. 16,the Annual Chinese New Year Festival at the nearby Kalakaua Park will happen, and at that time, there'll be lots of happenings as the Lions come in to the store to do the dance, etc.
So maybe see you then?
A hui hou, and Mahalo,
I will be coming down to see if there is a Chinese New Year Tshirt to add to my collection :O)
Chinese New Year T-shirts will be in the store REAL soon!!!
Mahalo for your pateince!
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