Chirstmas @ `Imiloa!
It's been windy and rainy here in Hilo, but just a few days ago, it was a beautiful day at `Imiloa Astronomy Center, and there are lots of wonderful things happening there!
They have the `Imiloa Cafe which is operated by O'Keefe & Sons Bakery (they are open from 7am to 4pm), as well as a garden that is beautifully landscaped with Hawai`i native plants (you can see lots of Sig Zane printed plants there!).
Of course, their main attraction is the Planetarium which is now showing a special Chirstimas program for adults and keikis alike! So enjoy this opportunity since the kids program (Holiday Music Magic) will have it running until January 18th 2008!
Okay, gotta go, Love and Aloha,
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