Friday, January 23, 2009

Rummage Sale This Saturday 1.24.09!!!

Aloha Kakou!
Howzit!? It's almost Chinese New Year!
So Sig Zane Designs is having a Rummage Sale this Saturday, January 24th from 9am to 3pm.
We're getting ready to welcome the New Ox Year with renewed chi flow, so we need to part with some of our things we've had for a while.

Everything on the second floor at the 27 Waianuenue location (above Katmandu Trading, Volcano Block Building) will be on sale... Yup, everything that you see in these photographs!

Yes, these bags full of leftover fabric too...


Even a bed!

Bench Cushions...

Sig's and Kuha'o's old aloha shirts!!!!!!
Mostly sizes M & L....

These are just SOME of the aloha shirts...

More furniture....

And finally but not least, Sig (just kidding!)
So see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and Aloha,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Please do tell me the next time you folks are having a sale like this again!
